AccessMedicine is one of the many tools provided to AUIS students with the goal of improving retention and continued success in medical practice. AUIS is committed to providing the best possible resources for our young physicians and AccessMedicine is a collection of medical resources AUIS has acquired for the benefit of our students.
• Practice Guidelines are annually updated guidelines from Current Practice Guidelines in Primary Care that assist in disease screening, prevention, and management by providing succinct digest versions of longer original guidelines.
• Diagnostic Tests, from Pocket Guide to Diagnostic Tests, is a quick reference guide to the selection and interpretation of commonly used diagnostic tests, including laboratory procedures in the clinical setting.
• Quick Medical Dx & Rx is a collection of concise evidence-based outlines of conditions and disorders most often encountered in medical practice – perfect for high-yield review or for quick reference in the clinical setting.
You can log in with full access to any of AUIS’s WiFi networks. Once there, look to the upper right-hand corner to create an account. Once you create a free My Access Account, you will be able to use the resource on any WiFi network for 90 days. Each time you log in at an AUIS campus, the 90-day window refreshes. You will be able to use a more limited version of AccessMedicine on any AUIS WiFi without a login.
AccessMedicine from McGraw-Hill Medical provides medical students with a variety of resources needed to excel in clerkships with instant access to videos, self-assessment, and leading medical textbooks that facilitate decision-making at the point-of-care. AccessMedicine delivers indispensable support and invaluable online solutions in medical education and clinical practice through these interactive features:
Leading medical textbooks – Latest editions such as Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine and CURRENT Medical Diagnosis & Treatment.
The full list of texts on AccessMedicine at
Extensive multimedia library – A unique collection of examination and procedural videos, patient safety modules, audio files, and animations that feature complicated concepts presented in terms students can understand are available.
A full list of videos and animations go to
Differential Diagnosis Tool – Connect to more than 1,000 diagnoses through Diagnosaurus®, a tool that saves you time by allowing you to browse by symptom, disease, or organ system at the point of care.
Self-Assessment – Extensive Q&A from leading references such as Harrison’s Self-Assessment and Board Review, William’s Obstetrics Study Guide, and the LANGE textbooks, to assist students and residents in exam preparation.
2 Minute Medicine – Concise and curated reviews and summaries of new medical studies. Studies are rated for the appraisal of evidence-based medicine.
Customizable Patient Education – Comprehensive, reliable healthcare information for adults, pediatrics, medicines, and acute settings available in multiple languages and for over 7000 topics to help you help your patients understand their care and improve their health status.
Integrated Drug Database – Lookup dosing, indications, and adverse reactions quickly for generic and brand-name drugs, with printable patient handouts presented in English and Spanish.
Downloadable Images – Tens of thousands of photos and illustrations to aid in visual diagnosis are available to save and download to presentations for educational purposes.
Cases – A selection of cases from across the popular Case FilesTM series and Pathophysiology of Disease help medical students better understand and evaluate real-world experiences by offering questions to frame the case and the approach to the patient.